Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Blackhead facial????????????????????????

I had these black heads all over my forehead and I got a facial yesterday that got them extracted...now they are red and it' even more noticeable. The facial person said it would heal..but when???? ???Blackhead facial????????????????????????
if you're serious,read this blog before taking any action


Thanks to this blog, it helped me a lot to find the best method.

Hope this helpsBlackhead facial????????????????????????
Depends on the person. Usually three days at most.

I would just get some rest, and some pain reliever if needed.
Later today or tomorrow.

I've had the whole extraction thing done,

too and it was red and irritated for a bit.

It'll get better soon, but if it doesn't,

contact the facial person.
the skin is sort of irritated and it will be fine in like a day maybe less
Use biore blackhead warming serum

It will go away.

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