Saturday, December 26, 2009

Even after spending a lot of money on facials n such stuff I got blackheads on my nose very fast.What do i do?

Keep the face clean. Steam it and scrub little with soap and water. Then apply an oatmeal paste.

Boil some oatmeal in a little water. Cool it and add some lemon juice and mix it well. Apply on the face.

Make a lotion with equal parts of lime juice, almond oil and glycerine and apply on the face. It not only cures blackheads but the discolouring spots on the face too.

Beat an egg white stiff. Add 1 tsp honey and with a cotton swab apply on the face and leave for half an hour. Rinse with warm water and pat it dry.Even after spending a lot of money on facials n such stuff I got blackheads on my nose very fast.What do i do?
the balckheads will always come back.... they are a build up of oil which your skin naturally produces combined with the dirt floating around in the air... you need to contanstly remove them.. the strips are the easiest way at home to remove blackheads...Even after spending a lot of money on facials n such stuff I got blackheads on my nose very fast.What do i do?
u should get rid of those small holes in ur skin pores ... blackheads are dirt that enter ur tiny holes in ur skin pores n when they are full it gets black because they need some attention to be removed
yes ... its true ..all the answers that have been mentioned are quick fixes...but after you do that...again i can not stress enough... you need a daily cleansing is so inexpensive to get this started is the best...with a wide selection of products to choose from...once you use a quick fix... the next step is to prevent it all from happening.
Try Neutrogena - blackhead scrub, once a day, and also use the nose strips.
Get those strips that rip out the dirt

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