Monday, December 14, 2009

What if the most effective, cheapest way to get rid of dirt (blackheads) in facial pores?

I have not to bad dirt in my facial pores but noticeable. It is mostly from using facial creams containing a light bronzing agent. I don't want to rip my face up or squeeze them. Any ideas? I heard something about using iodine in a type of recipe that works really well. Any ideas?What if the most effective, cheapest way to get rid of dirt (blackheads) in facial pores?
The best method is to go for a professional facial with extractions.

At home, cleanse and then you can steam your face for 10 minutes (you can buy a cheap steamer at K-Mart or put you face over a pot of just boiled water). This opens the pores, then use an extraction tool (Sally's Beauty Supply) or you can use finger pads to gently press on the surrounding skin. Do not use finger tips or nails.

Be sure to cleanse you skin both morning and night. Sleeping w/ make-up is one of the worst things you can do to your skin.

You should also stop using that bronzer and find a new product that does not clog your pores.What if the most effective, cheapest way to get rid of dirt (blackheads) in facial pores?
stop useing bronzer till they clear up then use a blackhead cleanser and drink lts of water
black , coal-tar soap
use Biore.

its a pore-elimanating line made for your problem.

you can get it at target. not that expensive.
Try Oatmeal mask with honey make a mud out it and put in your face until get dry, then scrub your face with sugar and few drops of limon juice. And use oil free products it works good... Good luck!!!
Try St. Ives Apricot Scrub. Use it every day or every other day.
Blackheads are NOT dirt.

The natural skin oil sometimes get trapped in the skin pores. (By make-up, for instance). When it reaches the surface of the skin, if it is oxidised by the air it becomes a blackhead. Otherwise, it remains a whitehead. An accumulation of blackheads or whiteheads in one area can lead to the formation of boils because the blocked pores become infected with no readily available ';escape-route';.

Prevention is the best cure.

Keep your skin clean. (You may need to cut back on the make-up). Open your pores at least daily (preferably twice), by filling a bowl with boiling water and then put your face as close to it as possible, with a towel over your head to keep the steam in.

Invest in one of the small blackhead removers, but remember it can leave a mark on the face after use, which should disappear within an hour. So, use it after steaming your face just before bedtime.

Iodine dries out and shrinks the area around the blackhe

ad to make removal easier. An iodine-based lotion is used to help remove blackheads from areas where accessibility is difficult. For example in the ears, because further infection here has serious implications.

But since iodine is a black liquid which leaves a stain, I would have thought that its use on the face is limited.
Okay you need to steam your face,boil some water then take it off the fire put a towel over your head and let the steam hit your uface for five minutes.Then you need to immediatly apply a clay mask,i would suggest mint julep or bentonite clay that you can get cheap at the health/natural food store,let set for ten minutes,rinse with warm water and a facial cleanser ,rinse thouroughly with cold water to close your pores then apply oil-free,non-comedogenic face moisturizer. The steam opens the pores,the clay gets deep into pores while its drying it lifts the oil and dirt from the pore,you rinse it away with the cleanser and cold water to close the pore,and moisturize to replenish the good oils you took from the skin,which will stop your skin from producing too much sebum on its own which will result in more pore clogging. You should repeat the process once a week,and in between treatments you should cleanse ,tone and moisturize daily 2x if you have oily combination skin. Black heads are deep down so you will need to continue till they are gone,even after you get rid of them you should still steam 1x a month.

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