Monday, December 14, 2009

What is the number 1 best facial wash for acne & blackheads?

Im planning on buying an acne facial wash for my breakouts.. from experience, whats the best facial wash?What is the number 1 best facial wash for acne %26amp; blackheads?
i use STRIDEX its not a face wash its a jar its red it has medicated facial pads in there that you rub on before you go to bed depending on how much oil is in your face you may need to use two but u can see the difference the next day your face will seem like its getting much better keep using it and get MAXIMUM STRENGTH for faster and more reliable resultsWhat is the number 1 best facial wash for acne %26amp; blackheads?
I use Purpose, which was recommended to me by my dermatologist. It leaves your faces feeling very fresh, it doesn't clog your pores at all, and the best part is that it isn't stinky like some face washes. Other face washes recommended to me by dermatologists are Dove, Cetaphil, Oil of Clay, and Neutrogena.

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