Monday, December 14, 2009

What to do about large facial pores and recurring blackheads.?

im trying to find something that will make the pores on my face look smaller. iv heard serum might do it. any suggestions?What to do about large facial pores and recurring blackheads.?
Stop any creamy gunk appications, most of it is food for bacteria.. keep your face clean with pure soap %26amp; dry with kitchen paper, try not drying with a towel as it will spread any infections if it's not washed throughly after every drying. Use a spray of 3% hydrogen peroxide, made from diluted food grade H2O2 and distilled water (you can buy it ready diluted from a chemist - but make sure its not peroxide for hair), spray liberally anytime. The H2O2 will kill of anaerobic bacteria and other fungus`

Heat opens pores and cold closes them. Europeans have problems living in Asia where its hot and humid outside, getting pollution %26amp; sweat on the face, then going inside to chilled air conditioning that closes the pores quickly and allows the blackheads %26amp; spots to form.

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