Monday, December 14, 2009

What's a good facial scrub to remove blackheads.?

Perferably at a drugstore.

:D thnxWhat's a good facial scrub to remove blackheads.?
DEF St Ives Apricot Scrub for acne prone skin! This product in WONDERFUL!What's a good facial scrub to remove blackheads.?
I'm a very ';Natural'; person and when it comes to skin, before I start using any product I take a look at myself first.

Most skin products are a ';bandage'; on the real problem.

The real problem being, we are not taking care of ourselves.

Scrubing your skin with harsh cleansers, cleaning, using this technique or that will may result in your ageing your face early on.

Facial skin is delicate, so believe me when I say, cleaning it with a plain water will assist you in maintaining balance and rid you of some of the problems you may be creating for yourself.

For many years I have used ';Mary Kay Cleanser and Moisturizer'; and people constantly tell me I have good skin, and remark on how young I look....and added plus.

Not only that, Mary Kay has no harsh chemicals and is so very gentle. If you decide to use it, people will notice.

Some other things to consider as the ';cause'; of your acne problem.

If you not drinking 64 ounces of water a day, you body holds on to toxins which get trapped in your skin, in your pores, in your intestinal track, which is a direct reflection on your facial skin, so drink plently of water, not juice, not coffee, not soda....good clean fresh water.

Also evaluate what you used to wash your face with, a clean towel each day (detergents can also contribute)....

When you lay your face towel down after using, germs are all over it, and when you pick it up to wash your face again, unless you bleach it clean, you have just placed those germs on your face on your body, Ugghhh.....Think about it.

Buy the disposable face clothes or wash your face with your cleaned hands, it's best then pat dry with a clean towel.

If you are a female and use make up, use water based makeup and then remove it properly with Mary Kay Oil Free, Make Up Remover and disposable cotton balls.

Refrain from rubbing hard, scrubbing, using harsh exfoliating techniques, some store products have walnut shell in it and will scratch your delicate skin.

St. Ives....UGGGHH, read your labels. I used this once. Never again. You should see what it does to your skin under a microscope. You'll thank me!

Eat fresh fruits and veggies, limit take out and fast food, cook for yourself so you know what is going into it.

I love to stir fry, with steam and maybe a cap full or less of olive oil. (I get fresh and frozen veggies.) You need some oil, go for the unsaturated oils.

If you can afford organic foods then go organic. Start with replacing milk and eggs first.

Think healthy skin, clean skin,and don't forget to gently clean and use non clogging moisturizer before going to bed.

Exercise at least every other day, make your skin sweat out the impurities. Cool all the way down before bathing. Pores are still open when you sweat, so let your body dry down. It also helps prevent soreness after a work out. You get sore because water gets into your pores. You pores are still open.

Fast with juice and water one day or more a week.

Clean out your colon, don't buy expensive colon cleansers go naturally, eat fiber, whole grain bread like Brownberry, spend the extra money on the good stuff, and drink lots of water.

Start your day off with an apple and oatmeal for breakfast.

I use my coffee grinder and grind whole flax seed and add it with dry oatmeal to my yogurt.

Watch your intake of fried, greasy, foods.....limit french fries to once in a while, fried chicken, all fried food, that grease may be a contributor to your pores clogging.

Like I said at the beginning of this answer.

Start looking on the inside of you, because the choices you make are reflecting on the outside of you.

Never under estimate a good colon cleanse....I don't believe in colonics, by the way, the intestinal system is pointed downward for a reason.

Most problems start at the top (what's in your head, and what you do or don't put in your mouth).
All Clear products that removes blackheads. It has a complete cleansing regimen that you really need to get rid of blackheads. An exfoliate to get the dead cells to let the products do the best job. A toner to deep rinse and close the pores and then a moisturizer to balance out your skin again.
You can use Glow Care Cream, Homoeopathic Medicine. This is the best cream among all I have used. Follow the instructions mentioned on the cream.
shehnaaz husseins products are actually good for skin..if u want a homemade scrub you can use oat meal mixed with little curds..

Neutrogena Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub
Shehnaaz husseins products r the best for skin problems
clean and clears black head eraser works really well, or the biore pore strips.
I def. recommend the clean and clear black head eraser like everyone :)
clean an clear somekinda mess like that
clean and clears blackhead eraser i agree with her

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